Sunday, October 16, 2011


So Mitch comes home last night and is on the phone with someone saying "Yeah, I will come pick you up in a few!" (He is super excited... I am confused)
See we have been so busy lately that we made a deal that last night we were making no plans and now this.
I got PISSED! I was like REALLY?! I thought we weren't making plans...
(Mind you I was already in my sweats tackling laundry mountain while watching storage wars, in my mind a great Saturday night with no plans.)
So I look at my loving husband (who forgets deals) and ask him "who was that honey?!"
"Ayla, go get dressed we are going out to dinner"
"oh! (trying to wipe the pissed off look from my face but as a woman it is hard to do so quickly) Okay! I will go get ready."
So after putting "my face on" as we say, I get all dolled up and come down stairs, I gave my spur of the moment guy a big sloppy kiss and a very meaningful Thank you :)
Fast forwarding a bit to dinner...
We get a bottle of wine to share (way cheaper than each just getting a glass, if you can imagine) and by 8:30pm we were discussing what we were going to do after dinner and do you know what we both wanted to do?!
Go home and go to bed..
I believe NOW we can call ourselves an old married couple. :)
But you know what, we didn't have one dull moment of conversation, we laughed, smiled and had great conversation all night, now that is an old HAPPY married couple if you ask me...
Thank you to my sporadic husband with my surprise dinner last night (we went to the Old Spaghetti Factory.. I know your jealous...)

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