While I am doing my stairs I heard from behind me, "Keep going mommy! You can do this!"
Then to do crunches G climbs on top of me and makes me work EVEN harder while giggling like a school girl.
I then started my leg lifts [mind you this is at the VERY end of my workout] I did my right leg first and then said, "Oh man mommy stills has to do her other leg!" And so I did. After stretching I am stretched across our living room floor wanting to never move again when my 3 foot tall personal trainer appears above me shouting "OTHER LEG MOMMY! LETS GO!"
Seriously?! I would rather have a body builder cutting me some slack because now I know my 3 year old will not let me get away with ANYTHING! Fat rolls get ready to vanish I have a G machine as my personal trainer and she is dedicated.

[ my new personal trainer at her finest, chocolate milk mustache, selling her tickets to her gun show and giving you her GRRRR face!]
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