Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A day of baking and dancing in our underpants.... I think so!

Today we bake! [like most days :)] G and I tackled blackberry jelly filled muffins with her classmates fortunes on the bottom! And this is what we call a good snack time snack! Maybe the other moms might think I have too much time on my hands, but to be honest I MAKE time to bake with my little girl. She is my whole world [ as well as Keylee and Mitty :)] and I want to make sure she can look back on her childhood and say, I had one cool mom. Now, I know we all hope our children say that about us, but I am determined to make my little girls have the best childhood memories that might just earn me that title.
So we start baking, G does all the mixing, while standing on a chair and the local hits station is on, not only is my daughter dancing and mixing while standing on a chair but she is also in her underpants.
This ladies and gentlemen is MY DAUGHTER! She cracks the funniest jokes, makes every room full of life just by entering it and is one heck of a dancer (most of the time in her tutus or underpants] because she says to me "Mommy, I don't like wearing pants at home, it's hard when I REALLY have to pee!" So this is why when most of our friends and family visit us at our home my daughter is most always pantless.
Okay so back to our baking story: after placing the muffins in the oven we decide to write out 6 fortunes for each peer in her class. So of course I have G help me with them, Which means she tells me what to say and well I just write it down [in a way that makes a little more sense to others] So our fortunes....
the first was, 'You will meet your best friend today.... ME!'
'Today you will help Mrs. Shawna!' (their teacher)
'Today you will have a yummy jelly filled muffin made by.. ME!'
'Today you will have a great day with.... ME!'
'Today you will eat your sweet muffin with.... ME!'
As you can see my daughter LOVES to be in the spotlight, while also making everyone around her smile and really shoots for the occasional giggle :) That's my girl :) Well I am off to play match the opposites and then we are back to the kitchen to make some dinner... together :)


  1. I love it Katie!
    Grandma helped me bake blackberry tarts when I was about 8. I shared them with my friends at their homemade trampoline! They loved it, and I did too.

  2. I know! We had such a blast doing them, I will post a picture today! G is having a lot of fun helping me with this blog too. It is absolutely adorable! And something just her and I do together :)

  3. Wow, Katie this is so sweet! You sound like such an amazing and cool mom. Keep it up, I love this!

  4. Thanks Carm! I will! And I love love love your blog! You are so talented!!
