Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Three year olds..

Have you ever had your child say something that is something you said when you were there age and it just freaks you out? For example,
I asked G what she wanted Santa to bring her and she responded with, "Oh just a candy cane as tall as me." This is exactly what I asked for from Santa when I was 3! I told my dad about it and he said, "You must have put her up to that!" Nope I never even told her that is what I asked for. So creepy! Then today, we were walking into Safeway and there were the cutest black labs in the back of a suburban and then a little black and white Australian Shepard and witty little G says, "AWWW! Look at those adorable little puppy dawgs! I want one mommy, but daddy won't let me get one, UGH!" haha seriously ask Mitty, this is exactly what I sound like. So I told her, "I know daddy won't let us get one RIGHT NOW, but when you are a little older he said we can get one, everything good is worth waiting for my love. Soon we will have an adorable puppy dog you can call your own." "UGH I guess. If you say so."
REALLY! Did my 3 year old just say, "If you say so?" Why can't she say that when I tell her to clean up her toys?
So moral of this story, my 3 year old is just like me, when I was three. She says the darndest things and brightens every day! I love you G babe!

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