Saturday, December 11, 2010

Santa baby...

To start off sappy, yes stop reading now if you can't handle it.. I love just stepping back and watching my girls. They are amazing (yes I have a bias opinion but if you know them you know how awesome they are!) Not only is G the coolest kid on the block but she is also the best big sissy in the world. She includes Keylove in all her games and fun. And Keylove looks at her sissy and gets the biggest grin across her face. I hope my girls stay close forever, no bond is better than the bond of sisters. I know this because I have the best big sister a girl could ask for.
Okay, so that was my sap, if you are still reading, well done, up top, tip of the hat to you!

Tis the season to have christmas music on, our pretend fire place going, the smell of freshly baked cookies strung throughout the house, G running around in nothing but her "too small, fit her when she was 1 tutu", Keylove rolling all around her play mat wishing she could keep up with her awesome sissy and me trying to top G's dance skills (which everyone knows isn't possible). What could possibly be missing on this northwest rainy holiday filled day, you ask. Well, he stands 6 foot 1 and will lie and try to tell you he is 6 foot 1 3/4 inches, he has brown hair, and when he walks by you, you can't help but stop and stare.. If you guessed Old Saint Nick, you are... WRONG! It is none other than us girls' hero, Mitty love. Add him to this crazy holiday filled house and it would be perfect!  Lets recap on last year...
Picture us decorating our tree, I put holiday music on and Mitch complains the whole time, "Come on turn it off, and why in the hell are we stringing floss through each ornament?" I answer with, "You only have to listen to this music one time a year, so sorry. And my fault I forgot the ornament  hanger thingies... Just think this is bonding time!" He shrugs does a little complaining under his breath and then we see G hanging all the ornaments in one tiny short place on the tree...  Then we look at each other and know, this is what it is all about! Then we turn our backs for no more than a minute and G has crawled inside the plastic container the ornaments came in.. (yes a picture will be posted so you can laugh with us, or just shrug and move on with your day)
Mitty complaining about stringing
the floss :)
This is our daughter :)
we know she is awesome, thank you.
G's decorating job last year!
So since Mitty isn't here and won't be here for a week or so, I think I am going to declare our holiday season a tad bit longer this year.. (asking G for the okay..) I get a goldfish cracker filled "YESS!" with goldfish crackers EXPLODING from her mouth! Well, it is settled, We will be the house on our block that outlives everyone else's decorations (meaning my wreath on the front door and our christmas tree in the window, whenever we may get it) and they can complain all they want, because we are not backing down.
See without my girls, life would be oh so dull and I am thankful for every minute I get with them. And yes, I had to babble on about all of that to get to that conclusion. Now I bet you guys agree my girls are pretty rad.
Happy holidays everyone! I hope you annoy your neighbors with letting your holiday spirit go on a little longer than usual too :)

Taken today 12-11-2010

I hope to be just as crazy and cool as my sissy :)

1 comment:

  1. TeeHeeeee!!!

    Ho!Ho! Is SOOOOOOOOOOO proud of you!!!

    Loves a plenty!
    Mom (aka Granny!)
