Tuesday, July 19, 2011

To break or not to break?!

So today Mitch's mom took the girls to visit their great grandparents at the coast. Ghianna was so excited she could hardly sleep last night! I was so excited for a break of work, kids and the husband I could barely sleep! (It was like we were both going to Disneyland, but G was going to Grandma-land and I was going to quiet-alone time- land!)
So this morning, Mitty and I loaded the girls up and met his mom. While pulling out without the car seats and the girls my heart sank... I missed them already, but I had to suck it up. The girls were going to have a blast and I really did need a break and most of all Grandma needed a princess fix.
So, I planned a marvelous day for myself, I drove to the beach (where my mom lives) and we went to lunch, where of course I had a mimosa (remember no kids) then we went down tot he beach sat our chairs in the sand and just read... Well, pretty soon the tide started to come in, but ya know what.... We didn't move. We sat there, in silence (okay there were lots of giggles) lifting our feet and letting the waves roll right under our chairs. It was amazing. Listening to the waves crash on top of one another and smelling the salty sea air was refreshing.
We then went and got some ice cream and then went back to the beach (You can't go to the beach and not get ice cream, it's a law. I swear they will throw you in jail [well, at least that is what we think anyway])
My mom and I got some good visit time in, which was much needed. And I got some time to relax (I forgot how to do it at first). I wasn't having to chase Keylove around making sure she didn't crawl up the stairs or suck on any wires. I wasn't having to keep an eye on Gbabe or have to tell her no, not even once.
But... To be 110% honest.... It was weird, nice but weird.
Also, all day all the things that came out of my mouth were about the girls....
It is like you want a break so badly, a break from everything so you can just relax and not have to worry about anyone else but yourself. But when you get that break, and the kids wave bye-bye and the husbands kisses you and leaves for work and you are left all by yourself; you don't know what to do. You feel empty, you have been taking care of everyone else for so long, you don't know how to just take care of yourself for a change.
Why is it that we wish for a break and then when we get it we don't know what to do with ourselves?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Smashing :)

Ladies and Gentlemen come one come all and see I, Katie Dehnert have a hobby!
Surprising and out of this world all at the same time!
If you know me you know, my hobbies consist of my darling little girls and my amazing husband.
I used to read... Don't have the time anymore...
I used to cheer.... But I am not 16 anymore....
I used to make mud pies... But I started to get dirty looks...
So NOW I am Smashing :)
Smashing all my memories and ideas into a little homemade book.
(Scrap-bookers, I have tried to be as patient and creative as you but I failed, this is my kind of scrapbook, put it together [or buy a notebook] and then start smashing all your memories into it, it doesn't have to be perfect, you don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on stickers or scrap booking supplies)
Hello cheap. Hello easy. Hello new hobby :)
Thank you to my dear mother for the lovely idea :) 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Dehnert Girl Kick Asparagus Chicken Casserole

So I know I am always asking for new recipes from all my friends, They call me the "Recipe Phantom" *Insert evil laugh here*
So tonight for dinner I had noodles and chicken staring me right in the face saying, "EAT ME!"
So I put them on the counter and kept thinking...
hmmm okay one can of cream of mushroom soup...
I will make a casserole! 
As I cook the noodles and chicken I think to myself... It is so bland looking.
(My mom used to tell us stories about her home ec teacher in high school and she said if your meal didn't have color you failed. Well, I would have failed will a capital F! 
JUST THEN, I looked in my veggie cubby in my fridge and saw..... ASPARAGUS! 
*Mouth starts salivating*
So I mixed it right on in and added the most important ingredient CHEESE!
(With my handy dandy helper.. GHIANNA!)
And now filling up my house is the sweet smell of the ...
Dehnert Girl Kick Asparagus Chicken Casserole :)
It was easy peasy and all you need is...

3 chicken breasts (or more depends on how many fine folks you are willing to feed)
One can of cream of mushroom soup (or more.... You are the chef right now, not me, but I did one :) )
Fresh, Absolutely Amazing Asparagus to taste ( If you know me, or not you should still know from this posting I used a massive amount of Absolutely Amazing Asparagus!)
NOODLES, NOODLES, NOODLES! (Again depending on how many you are willing to feed :) )

Yes, I did season the chicken, with some Chicken me up Chicken seasoning :) 
I cooked the noodles, Cooked the chicken and at the very end of the chicken I tossed in the Absolutely Amazing Asparagus for maybe 2 minutes (vital step right.. Two WHOLE minutes :) ) then I combined it ALL into a casserole dish cheesed the thing up mixed in the soup and then... WATCH OUT BETTY! 
It is currently in the oven warming up and I will broil the top of it to make some crunchy crunch cheese..
And this Dehnert Girl Kick Asparagus Chicken Casserole will make me famous... 
In my own cookbook :) 
And to top it off Mitch will be one HAPPY man when he gets home at ooo 2:20 AM :)
But now the cheese is done browning and my handy dandy helper and greatest taste tester in the world is ready to TASTE!
bone appetit :)