You know when 3:00pm rolls around and after doing all of your chores, having kids running like marathon runners through your house, getting the arts and crafts mess cleaned up, the little kids are already up from their naps with more energy than this morning, and you haven't even sat down once the whole day and you feel like you are going to pass out or fall asleep while standing?! I have a trick, a super secret trick to help you feel energized and helps you finish the rest of your day that is full of more kiddos running around, picking up your house, cooking dinner, doing dishes, bathing the kids, putting the kids to bed and even doing 3 hours of homework.. It's called. A protein shake. Usually I will chug a sugar free red bull but once I tried drinking my protein shake instead I was PUMPED with the effects, I am..
A. Full, so I am not snacking on crap (which is so easy at all the snack times the kiddos have)
B. Energized (just like the red bull does, but these wings come from protein and vitamins)
C. Not dreading the rest of my CRAZY day (most think ooo 3:00pm only 2 hours left of my work day, man that must be nice... For us mom's it's the countdown to the kids' bedtime and then the countdown to OUR bedtime! THAT is when we get to clock out, but only as long as one of our kiddos doesn't decide to wake up in the middle of the night.)
So moms, for the future, don't drink your fake energy crap (I am a hypocrite because I do love it too) BUT make yourself a quick protein shake and sip it, chug it, whatever and watch as your energy pours back into you. Well, now that I gave you my secret what secrets do you have, we all like to have options don't we?!