Friday, March 23, 2012

Grateful > Oblivious

My whole life I have witnessed myself and others getting to a point where they loose what they love and cherish because they didn't know what they had at the time and how special it was. I have done this many times when it came to friends, boyfriends, jobs and anything in life.
I believe everyone has lost something they did cherish and didn't realize how much they cherished it, until it was gone....
I feel I take so much for granted, things we don't even think is a big deal, for example, running water, or heat (or AC for my friends in warmer areas) in our homes. Lately I have been thinking about all the little things that if were to go away would be a drastic change in my family and I's life.
I also think of how lucky and blessed I am to have my sweet little girls and supportive husband. Sometimes it's hard if you are fighting or the girls are acting up but at the end of the day I wouldn't change my life the slightest, I am the happiest I have ever been.

Sometimes it takes loosing things to realize what we once had but I am stopping that from recurring in my life and being grateful for even the little things.

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